Friday, August 29, 2008

Advantage of Article Marketing

Article marketing is another type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. These articles are made available for distribution and publication in the marketplace.

Each article that includes a special area at the end called a resource box. In the resource box the author leaves a link or two along with a couple of sentences. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.

With the rise of e-commerce article marketing has made a move to the online world as well. online article marketing has served the dual role of providing publishers with essentially free content, and advertisers with essentially free advertising. Article marketing idea from the writer’s point of view is that you can increase your exposure by having your content reproduced around the Internet. Your are rewarded with one-way incoming links from the resource box, you don’t have to reciprocate as you would with link exchanges, which in theory should reward you with better search engine rankings.

Article marketing has become increasingly popular as a marketing method under the Web 2.0 generation of business on the Internet. Articles are one of the important means to get people to their websites. More and more people use articles to bring large amount of traffic to their websites.

What Important for Article Marketing?

1. Fresh quality article content.
2. Distribute long article in multiple pages.
3. Submission to top articles directories.
4. Submission and approval on ezine.
5. Inclusion of company profile url in resource box.

Why Article Marketing?

1. Generating traffic and visitors to website.
2. Helping in for getting top ranking on search engines.
3. More business offers.
4. Increase one way incoming links.

Article Marketing drives traffic to your websites

You probably know that a well-written article distributed to the most influential sites on the web will get you a lot of attention and drive visitors to your site. This is called article marketing, and it takes advantage of the fact that articles are central to information distribution on the internet.

Article marketing caters to the thousands of websites on the internet that are looking for original content. Some of these are article sites or article directories, some are blogs, and many others are just websites that need articles on a wide range of topics. You can write articles and place them in thousands of places to put your name before millions of people, establish yourself as an expert on your subject matter, and drive traffic to your websites.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM stands for “Search Engine Marketing”. Search Engine Marketing is the process of marketing a website via search engines. SEM strategies primarily consist of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay per Click (PPC) advertising.

Search Engine Marketing creates an Internet marketing presence for your company by utilizing those terms that research dictates your prospects are using to find you in the search engines. Target marketing through the search engines, combined with link popularity, organic search engine optimization (SEO) and paid placement campaigns, or pay-per-click (PPC), generates qualified online leads in the search engines, which helps bring you increased revenue and profits.

SEO process involves for improving natural or organic rankings on search engines. Search engines rank websites based on a variety of parameters and each search engine has its own algorithm to rank different websites. However, one common and most important ranking parameter is a site's credibility which is determined by the quality and quantity of other sites that link to it. PPC is a type of internet advertising in which the advertiser pays an agreed amount to a search engine for every click a visitor makes on the advertisement. It is also referred to as Cost per click (CPC), Paid Placement, and Search Engine Advertising.

Why we need SEM?
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is quite simple: when a consumer or business person searches the Web through either a text box or by clicking through a directory hierarchy, they are in "hunt mode." This mode is unique because it indicates that the person is looking for information, usually of a direct or indirect commercial nature. Marketers understand that this "hunt mode" means that the searcher may very well be somewhere in the buying cycle, researching a product or service to try and satisfy an immediate need or future need. That makes search engine results some of the best sources of targeted traffic, whether that traffic originates from "organic" unpaid search listings or paid advertising listings.

Effective Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is essential to assure visitors can find your site when searching for the products and/or services you offer. Regardless of your industry, more qualified visitors translate into more sales and leads for your business.

Advantages of Search Engine Marketing: -
1. Drives Quality online-targeted traffic to your site.
2. Helps in improving the position of your website in the search engines listing.
3. Highly flexible to adapt to the changing needs in the search engine marketing techniques.
4. Helps in quick addressing to the various aspects of marketing.
5. Helps in reinforcing your brand in a number of highly effective ways (text advertising, one way links, banners, pay per click etc).
6. It is one of the cheapest ways of online advertising.
7. Increased client acquisition lowers web promotion costs.

Important keys of Search Engine Marketing: -
1. The first step is to ascertain your targets. It is very crucial to choose what market or which group of people you want to reach. Discover the key phrases that the targeted group may employ to find your website.
2. Note the current traffic numbers for your website. Find out which keywords are leading people to your web site. Getting high ranked SEM with keywords and phrases only helps your website if they are used to search quite a bit.
3. In order to have the best search engine marketing, try to map the pages that are rapidly indexed by web spiders. Static pages generally work better than dynamic pages.
4. Make your website less thick so that the search engines spiders are able to check your web pages with no timeout problems.
5. The search engines will not list your web site if it is on a free web hosting service. Using a quality web hosting service for your web site is must if you want to have the best search engine marketing scheme.
6. Make certain that your website is offered to search engines according to the specific search engine guidelines.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Importance of Internet Marketing

The fastest growing medium that is being adopted by businesses worldwide as an effective website promotion tool is Internet marketing. With years of experience in the online internet marketing and website promotion; Internet Marketing Company has accumulated the expertise essential to successfully market businesses online and generate effective Return on Investments (ROI). Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing, Internet advertising, or eMarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet.

Internet Marketing is an all-inclusive term for marketing products and/or services online – and like many all-inclusive terms, Internet marketing means different things to different people. Essentially, though, Internet marketing refers to the strategies that are used to market a product or service online, marketing strategies that include search engine optimization and search engine submission, copywriting that encourages site visitors to take action, web site design strategies, online promotions, reciprocal linking, and email marketing – and that’s just hitting the highlights.

Why Use Internet Marketing
Internet marketing is having a huge impact on the way we do business in the UK. They can lead to dramatic growth in sales leads, provide access to new markets and improve efficiency and effectiveness. Internet marketing is the fastest growing form of marketing – growing at a rate of over 41% per annum.

1. Driving relevant and targeted traffic to your website.
2. Maximizing conversion ratio through web analytics and web usability.
3. Corporate Brand building over the internet.

Internet marketing has grown year by year showing us a new face every couple of months and Internet marketers are now having a tough time to cope up with the changing technologies. Internet marketing what slowly began as a pond has turned into an ocean.

Variable of Internet marketing

1. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Search engine marketing is a set of marketing methods to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages.
SEM strategies include:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Pay Per Click (PPC)
3. Paid Inclusion

2. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate program is an advertising program which offers monetary incentives to webmasters for driving traffic to advertiser’s website. This reduces advertiser’s problem of finding websites on which their ad or banner listed.

3. Social Network Marketing: Social Network marketing or Social Media Optimization service is designed to help companies create a brand and marketing their products and services through online social networks.

4. Email Marketing: Email marketing is a way for a company to get creative with communications by utilizing a form that should be delivered to a customer.

5. Viral Marketing: Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly.
An effective viral marketing strategy provides:
1. Gives away products or services.
2. Provides for effortless transfer to others.
3. Scales easily from small to very large.
4. Exploits common motivations and behaviors.
5. Utilizes existing communication networks.
6. Takes advantage of others' resources.