Friday, August 29, 2008

Advantage of Article Marketing

Article marketing is another type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. These articles are made available for distribution and publication in the marketplace.

Each article that includes a special area at the end called a resource box. In the resource box the author leaves a link or two along with a couple of sentences. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.

With the rise of e-commerce article marketing has made a move to the online world as well. online article marketing has served the dual role of providing publishers with essentially free content, and advertisers with essentially free advertising. Article marketing idea from the writer’s point of view is that you can increase your exposure by having your content reproduced around the Internet. Your are rewarded with one-way incoming links from the resource box, you don’t have to reciprocate as you would with link exchanges, which in theory should reward you with better search engine rankings.

Article marketing has become increasingly popular as a marketing method under the Web 2.0 generation of business on the Internet. Articles are one of the important means to get people to their websites. More and more people use articles to bring large amount of traffic to their websites.

What Important for Article Marketing?

1. Fresh quality article content.
2. Distribute long article in multiple pages.
3. Submission to top articles directories.
4. Submission and approval on ezine.
5. Inclusion of company profile url in resource box.

Why Article Marketing?

1. Generating traffic and visitors to website.
2. Helping in for getting top ranking on search engines.
3. More business offers.
4. Increase one way incoming links.

Article Marketing drives traffic to your websites

You probably know that a well-written article distributed to the most influential sites on the web will get you a lot of attention and drive visitors to your site. This is called article marketing, and it takes advantage of the fact that articles are central to information distribution on the internet.

Article marketing caters to the thousands of websites on the internet that are looking for original content. Some of these are article sites or article directories, some are blogs, and many others are just websites that need articles on a wide range of topics. You can write articles and place them in thousands of places to put your name before millions of people, establish yourself as an expert on your subject matter, and drive traffic to your websites.

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